I finished scrapbooking Bobby's 30th birthday (back in April of this year). I used Scenic Route's Surprise collection. I love the bright colors!
This is a layout of Bobby opening his presents from me. One was a salt water fishing trip and the other was a trip to TN to see Chuck Missler (we ended up opting out of that one to spend the day bass fishing).
This was taken a little later the same day when Bobby's parents surprised him with a gun for his birthday.
Bobby's parents came over for dinner to celebrate the big 3-0, and I picked up two small cakes from Corner Market so that he could blow out the candles on his big day.
What Bobby didn't know, was that Saturday night I had a surprise party planned for him. He thought we would just be going over for dinner at his parents house with his grandma and sister and brother law. I surpised him by inviting six of our friends over. This layout is of his cake made by Jody's Bakery.
The last two layouts are of the gang yelling, "Surprise!" and of us hanging out back at our house later that night.

what fun Lo's! Love the stripes and the buttons together!