Firefly Lane is a quick read. It's about friendships, and childhood, and growing up. It's about learning how to love and losing love. It's full of emotion and is probably one of the best "chick" books I've read. I tend to steer clear of these types, but this one is different. It has some depth to it, and I will admit, my husband was concerned when I cried (ok, openly wept) while reading this book. It was touching. I recommend it!
I had my pre-op today for the lithotripsy on Monday. I'm scared out of my mind, and SO ready for it to be over with!! I think I was having flashbacks to my foot surgery while at the hospital today. I was nearly in full blown panic mode. I SO started to just walk out!
Bobby won't be able to go with me on Monday, but that's ok! My sweet mother in law will be with me, and she likes to baby! That's taking some getting used to from me. I don't think I've EVER really been "babied" in my entire life.
We are looking forward to Mother's Day on Sunday! My mother in law, father in law, and grandmother in law will join us for brunch after church. We are in the final stages of menu planning, and I have been SMART this year! I've managed a full menu of things that can be prepared ahead (mostly). I usually spend all day in the kitchen to prepare dinner, but not this year! I'm working on being more relaxed. I am excited to spend time with these two wonderful mothers...oh and presents! Presents are ALWAYS good!! :)
Well, that's all for now. I hope to spend some time scrapbooking tomorrow. I will post new layouts before the weekend is over! Have a great weekend!
I loved that book too, and I also cried. My best friend passed away about a year ago from cancer, so it really hit home. I just stumbled on your blog and really enjoyed reading it. Good luck with your procedure on Monday.